Li Jiange Increasing Wage Cost Promotes Industry Upgrading and Economic Transition in China
YANG Xiaodu Shanghai’s World Expo and Post-Expo Development
FAN Gang Another 30 Years of High Growth in Chinese Economy?
Liu Changle Riding the Wave of the Omnimedia Era
Lawrence Lau Whither the Renminbi?
DAI Xianglong Foreign Investment amid China’s Economic Transition
Norman Chan Hong Kong’s Irreplaceable Role for the Motherland

2010-07-28 香港中華總商會110周年會慶獻禮 “香港高峰論壇”?世界華商搭建經貿交流平臺 (香港中華總商會)
2010-07-29 社保千億走出去 首選香港 戴相龍:投資海外比重7%增至20% (明報)
2010-07-29 李劍閣:勞動力供應不樂觀 (文匯報)
2010-07-29 社保分支擬「泊港」 (東方日報)
2010-07-29 香港高峰論壇名家論道:經濟新格局催生華商機遇 (中國新聞社)
2010-07-29 人仔必成區內結算貨幣 (香港商報 )
2010-07-29 陳德霖:港仲介角色難取代 (文匯報)
2010-07-30 香港中華總商會110周年會慶 「香港高峰論壇」探討國際經濟局勢 (大公報)

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